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Обретение Своей Силы


Доброго дня всем!

Наш Женский Круг Силы продолжает серию вебинаров и сегодня у нас важная для всех тема - В чем и где твоя Сила?

Знаете ли вы это про себя?


  • Хотите обрести свою Свою Силу, свою внутреннюю гармонию, перестать беспокоиться, найти свое любимое дело и радостно вставать по утрам?


  • Хотите обрести Вкус Жизни? Начать дышать с удовольствием и жить с удовольствием?


 Есть ли у вас ответы на важнейшие вопросы:


  • Где моя Сила, в чем она?
  • Что питает мою Силу, а на чем я теряю ее?
  • Как быть наполненной Силой и Энергией Жизни постоянно и жить легко и радостно?
  • В чем Сила Женщины?
  • Как найти свой путь, свое предназначение?


 Сегодня у нас будет не очень много времени, и если вы захотите узнать про себя и свои возможности больше то приглашаем вас на более длительные программы:

  • В  Санкт-Петербургепроходят  Женские Круги Силы в Полнолуние и Новолуние, 5-ти часовые тренинги на которых мы сможем более глубоко проработать свои личные состояния и закрепить их, получить ключи к своему состоянию и своей Силе и своему Источнику Любви и гармонии души и тела
  • В марте и ноябре мы встречаемся на острове Бали и на берегу океана в первозданной чистоте природы и 4 стихий будем заниматься собой, освобождая свою Душу и свое тело от всех блоков и наполняясь своей Силой, Своей Радостью, вспоминая кто мы есть на самом деле, какое изначальное состояние было у нашей Души в самом начале творения. 


Вся информация о программах есть в разделе РАСПИСАНИЕ  https://mandalaway.ru/terning/raspisanie-zanyatiy/

 женкруг бали



ОПА! у меня на экране шли слайды! а в записи их почему то нет, глюк записи трансляции, очень жаль((((((((( выложу картинками)


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До встречи!

А если вы хотите получать наши новости и приглашения на открытые вебинары Женского Круга вы можете подписаться прямо сейчас!

Тогда можно оформить подписку прямо сейчас)))


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    Turkish pop star Gulsen Colakoglu has been jailed pending trial on charges of “inciting or insulting the public to hatred and enmity” after she made a joke about religious schools in Turkey, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. The charges appear to be related to a video circulating on social media from a Gulsen concert in April, when she joked about one of the musicians. He “graduated from Imam Hatip (religious schools). That’s where his pervert side comes from,” she said. omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd.onion omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd.onion Several Twitter users could be seen sharing the video on Thursday with a hashtag calling for her arrest and saying it is offensive to associate the schools with perverts. Gulsen denies that she has committed any crime and is appealing the arrest, according to her lawyer Emek Emre. After her detention, Gulsen shared a message on her official Twitter and Instagram accounts, apologizing to “anyone who was offended” by the joke and saying it had been twisted by “malicious people who aim to polarize our country.” “I made a joke with my colleagues, with whom I have worked for many years in the business. It has been published by people who aim to polarize society,” she said.
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    Turkish pop star Gulsen Colakoglu has been jailed pending trial on charges of “inciting or insulting the public to hatred and enmity” after she made a joke about religious schools in Turkey, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. The charges appear to be related to a video circulating on social media from a Gulsen concert in April, when she joked about one of the musicians. He “graduated from Imam Hatip (religious schools). That’s where his pervert side comes from,” she said. omg omg Marketplace omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd.onion omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd.onion Several Twitter users could be seen sharing the video on Thursday with a hashtag calling for her arrest and saying it is offensive to associate the schools with perverts. Gulsen denies that she has committed any crime and is appealing the arrest, according to her lawyer Emek Emre. After her detention, Gulsen shared a message on her official Twitter and Instagram accounts, apologizing to “anyone who was offended” by the joke and saying it had been twisted by “malicious people who aim to polarize our country.” “I made a joke with my colleagues, with whom I have worked for many years in the business. It has been published by people who aim to polarize society,” she said.
  19. EddieFeavy:
    Ваш комментарий ожидает одобрения. Это его предварительный просмотр, комментарий станет видимым для всех после его одобрения.
    Turkish pop star Gulsen Colakoglu has been jailed pending trial on charges of “inciting or insulting the public to hatred and enmity” after she made a joke about religious schools in Turkey, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency. The charges appear to be related to a video circulating on social media from a Gulsen concert in April, when she joked about one of the musicians. He “graduated from Imam Hatip (religious schools). That’s where his pervert side comes from,” she said. omg omg Marketplace omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd.onion omgomgomg5j4yrr4mjdv3h5c5xfvxtqqs2in7smi65mjps7wvkmqmtqd.onion Several Twitter users could be seen sharing the video on Thursday with a hashtag calling for her arrest and saying it is offensive to associate the schools with perverts. Gulsen denies that she has committed any crime and is appealing the arrest, according to her lawyer Emek Emre. After her detention, Gulsen shared a message on her official Twitter and Instagram accounts, apologizing to “anyone who was offended” by the joke and saying it had been twisted by “malicious people who aim to polarize our country.” “I made a joke with my colleagues, with whom I have worked for many years in the business. It has been published by people who aim to polarize society,” she said.
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